Featured: Kilter & Mint Podcast

I had the joy of being a guest on the Kilter & Mint podcast this week! Use this link to listen now, or follow link below to watch us on youtube! Whaaaat? fun!

It was a joy to sit down with Ash Beluz who is a joyful, powerful, badass business woman, yoga teacher and mother. Here is a bit more about her and her meaningful, impactful work:


Ashley Belluz is a yoga instructor, Mother, safe touch advocate and the one woman show behind the KILTER&MINT podcast. 

Ashley first discovered yoga over 10 years ago in the basement of the University of Montreal… and HATED IT. To her it was exclusive, unwelcoming and she faced unforeseeable barriers. She moved on from yoga, but came back to it years later when she moved home to Coquitlam. There, she found an approachable space that made her feel safe and seen. She knew this was the type of yoga she wanted to be a part of. No restricted movement or stern commands… just rolling around on the floor as you please.

Motherhood has taught Ashley about recognizing and setting safe boundaries, trusting intuition and asking for help. Through yoga and her maternal journey, she facilitates safe spaces for others to recognize that they too are not alone in seeking connection.

Ashley has been podcasting for a year and a half and originally started with the intention of creating a platform for fitness professionals to come together. As things go, KILTER&MINT quickly evolved to frank and candid discussions and fitness dropped to the wayside.

On her podcast, she is known for her brash approach to challenging topics and nothing is off limits. On each episode, she brings on special guests from around Vancouver who share their story and challenges they’ve faced. And more often than not, Ashley sheds light and humour on her personal experiences with parenting and postpartum depression.

“On this episode, I’m rejoined by good friend, Taraneh Erfan King. We catch up on what she’s been up to and her work of conscious parenting. Taraneh shares her definitions of Self, soul and spirit and how we are much more than our physical beings. She also speaks to the power of meditation, spiritual health and spiritual bypassing. This episode is not just for parents, and is a fantastic listen for anyone wanting to broaden their awareness in how they move about in the world.”